Thursday, December 01, 2005

Installing or Upgrading Windows XP (Part 4)

Files and Settings Transfer Wizard

This tool will only transfer certain file types and settings (most of them are for Microsoft products) from the old computer to the new computer. It is always a good idea to double-check to make sure that you have all your files before getting rid of your old computer.

If you need to transfer your files and settings from your old computer to your new computer, Windows XP comes with a utility called 'Files and Settings Transfer Wizard' (FAST). FAST captures most personalized settings (such as: Internet Explorer, display, and other setting) and documents (from the 'My Documents' folder), then allows you to copy them to another computer.

In order to use FAST, the old computer and the new must be connected to run the wizard. You can either use your network (including a crossover cable) or a direct cable connection to transfer the settings.

To setup the old computer, follow the instructions below:
  • Insert the Windows XP installation CD.
  • Open the Windows Explorer, and then open the Support\Tools folder.
  • Double-click FASTWIZ.EXE.
  • Press the Next button.
  • Select the 'Old computer' option, and then press the Next button.
  • Select the 'transfer method' you want to use to transfer the files and settings from the old computer to the new computer. Press the Next button.
  • Select the items you want to transfer, and press the Next button.
  • Press the Finish button.
After you have selected the files and settings you want to transfer , its now time to setup the new computer. Follow the instructions below:
  • Log into the new Windows XP computer.
  • From the Start menu, select All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Files and Settings Transfer Wizard. Press the Next button.
  • Select the 'New computer' option, and then press the Next button.
  • Select the 'I don't need the Wizard Disk. I have already collected my files and settings from my old computer' option. Press the Next button.
  • Select the transfer method you used to collect the files and settings from the old computer. Press the Next button.
  • Press the Finish button, then press the Yes button to log off.
After you log back on to the computer, you will have access to all the files and settings that the FAST wizard was able to transfer from your old computer to the new one. You should double-check all your files and make sure that none of them are missing.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:25 AM

    I used it to move from Win98 to XP, and regretted it.
    it's a blunt instrument that you can't control, and moves all sorts of stuff willy nilly that you may not want.
    Better to do it yourself, and customise the new computer the way you want it!
