Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Software: Free PDF Creator Software

If you need to share information on the Web, one of the best document formats for doing is called PDF. PDF documents are an application neutral format. This means once a document is converted to PDF, to view its contents you don't have to have the program installed that was originally used to create it.

For example if you created a document in Microsoft Word, then published the Word file to the Web. Anyone who wanted to view the document, needed to have Word installed or another program that could read that format. By saving the document in a PDF format, anyone with a PDF reader can view it.

A long time ago the only solution that existed for creating PDF documents was Adobe Acrobat. Today there are several free solutions available. To create a PDF document, its as simple as opening the document in the application used to create it and then printing it.

Below are some free PDF document converts

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