Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Software: Best Free Personal Computer Firewall

Windows XP SP2 comes with a free firewall that will protect you against most attacks from the Internet. Although, most fee-based commercial personal firewalls, generally offer more advanced security features that can protect your data from being leaked out of your computer by malicious software.

So for the security conscious person, they will want to install something better then what comes with the OS. In the past, I have recommended the free version of ZoneAlarm. Although, now I have found something better. It's called the 'Comodo Firewall', and best of all its free.

Below is a list of some of the features of this firewall:
  • Application Component Authentication: validates all the components of an application before allowing it internet access.
  • Application Behavior Analysis: analyzes each application's behavior and detects any suspicious activity before allowing internet access.
  • Defense against Trojan Protocols: advanced protocol driver level protection
  • Smart Alerts: Every alert includes a Security Consideration section with advice to users.
  • And several more. Check out the web site for the complete list of features.

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