Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Video: What is LightScribe?

Have you been seeing more and more CD/DVD drives with LightScribe technology built into it. Before you buy into this technology, I would suggest watching the following video from Chris Pirillo (of Lockergnome fame). I thought he did a decent job of explaining the technology in a recent video. Its very non-professional, maybe a little humorous (and annoying) at times but it has decent content.

Here is an excerpt from the page: "LightScribe is a technology that lets you inscribe the non-data side of your LightScribe capable media (you can’t use a regular CD-R or DVD-R). Once you burn the data to disk you flip the disk over in the drive and the LightScribe drive etches an image on the top of the disk."

Remember: In order to use this technology, you have to have a CD/DVD drive, software, and media that supports the LightScribe functionality before you can use it. Also this technology doesn't work with non-LightScribe drives or media.

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