Tuesday, September 18, 2007

KDE 4: The Shiny New Linux (and Windows) Desktop

ExtremeTech reports: "Linux users are as evangelical about desktop environments, the all-encompassing graphical user interface software responsible for providing everything from taskbars to office suites, as they are about operating systems. It shouldn't come as any surprise, then, that the first major release in over five years of the most popular desktop environment available is causing quite a stir. Due to be released on December 11th, KDE 4.0 is bringing exhilarating graphical, usability, and functionality improvements to the Unix-like systems it is designed for—and Windows users will get a taste, too."

If you love the KDE desktop, but use Windows this is great news for you. Or, you could be someone who's wanted to try KDE for years but not willing to make the time investment to setup a Linux system. Personally I think this is great news for Linux and Windows users.

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