Monday, January 13, 2014

Windows 8: Tracking Boot/Shutdown/Standby Time Length (Troubleshooting)

Is your computer taking a long time to boot up, shutdown or go to standby?  In the Event Logs it is possible to find the length of time it took for the computer to finish one of these operations.

You might ask why this is important? If this issue just started happening you can track down the specific time when this problem started.  Once you have the time when the issue started, check the Application and System event logs during that time and see if there were any problems.

If this has been happening for a long time this information might not help you because the first time it might have occurred could have been cleared out. Its still worth checking the Application and System event logs during the last boot/shutdown/standby time too see if there were any problems.
  • Open the Start screen and type Event viewer into the Search box and click the application icon. 
  • In the left pane of the Event Viewer, navigate the folders to Applications and Services Logs/Microsoft/Windows/Diagnostics-Performance
  • Expand this entry and double click on Operational (it should be the only item in this folder) this will display full diagnostic report of the computer's boot operations. 
Its possible to filter the current log to make it easier to find these events.  Click Filter Current Log... in the pane to the right. In the dialog that appears, change "<All Event IDs>" (the text box above the one labeled Task category) to "100" (for boot events, 200 for shutdown events  and 300 for standy events) . Press the OK button to apply the filter.
Note: For total boot time: Look in the pane that appears below this list; the value next to "Boot Duration" is the amount of time (in MS) that your system took to load from start to finish. Just divide by 1000 to get the time in seconds.

Log Name:      Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance/Operational
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Diagnostics-Performance
Date:          9/13/2011 8:01:02 AM
Event ID:      100
Task Category: Boot Performance Monitoring
Level:         Critical
Keywords:      Event Log
User:          LOCAL SERVICE
Computer:      SOMEMACHINE
Windows has started up:
     Boot Duration              :        215730ms
     IsDegradation              :        false

     Incident Time (UTC)        :        ‎2011‎-‎09‎-‎13T14:56:39.702800400Z

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