Monday, April 09, 2007

Internet Explorer 7: Keyboard Shortcut Tricks

In a previous article I talked about some basic Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) keyboard shortcuts. What I didn't include in that article were some really lesser known keyboard shortcuts, that you might really like to use.

IE Tab Tricks
  • CTRL+T: Opens new tab in foreground.
  • CTRL+Q: Toggles the Quick Tabs view.
    • CTRL+SHIFT+Q: Displays list of tabs.
  • CTRL+TAB or CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (to reverse): Cycles between different tabs.
  • CTRL+W or CTRL+F4: Closes the current tab.
    • CTRL+ALT+F4: Closes all but the current tab.
  • CTRL+[1-8]: Jumps to specific tab (number 1 through 8).
    • CTRL+9: Jumps to the last tab.
  • CTRL+[Mouse Click]: Opens a link in tab in the background.
    • CTRL+SHIFT+[Mouse Click]: Opens a link in tab in the foreground.
URL Trick
  • CTRL+ENTER: Adds WWW and .COM to the domain name in to the Address bar.
  • SHIFT+ENTER: Adds WWW and .NET to the domain name in to the Address bar.
  • CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER: Adds WWW and .ORG to the domain name in to the Address bar.
  • ALT+ENTER: Opens a new tab from the Address bar or Search box.
Page Zoom
  • CTRL+[=]: Zooms in.
  • CTRL+[-]: Zooms out.
  • CTRL+0 (zero): Resets zoom to 100%.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips and key shortcuts.

    does anyone know if there is a way to program the ALT+ENTER functionality to be automated? In other words, I would like to type an address in the address bar, press Enter and have it open automatically in a new TAB in IE7. I want to avoid having to type ALT+Enter every time. Other "skins" for IE7 (i.e. Avant Borwser do this).
