Monday, April 30, 2007

Firefox: The Unoffical Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference Guide

Everyone loves keyboard shortcuts. Those little keyboard tricks that you can use to perform program operations quickly (such as: opening or closing tabs, finding text, etc.). The only problem with these shortcuts is memorizing them.

Below is my: Unofficial Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts Quick Reference Guide. I have tried to group the shortcuts into logical groups so that you can easily find them.

Page/Tab Navigation:
  • [Alt]+[Home]: Opens the Home page in the current tab
  • [Alt]+[Right Arrow]: Moves one page forward in cache
  • [Alt]+[Left Arrow]: Moves one page back in cache
  • [Backspace]: Moves one page back in cache
  • [Shift]+[Backspace]: Moves one page forward in cache
  • [Alt]+F4: Closes the active window
  • [Ctrl]+F4: Closes the active tab
  • [Ctrl]+1: Opens the first tab
  • [Ctrl]+2: Opens the second tab
  • [Ctrl]+3: Opens the third tab
  • [Ctrl]+4: Opens the forth tab
  • [Ctrl]+5: Opens the fifth tab
  • [Ctrl]+6: Opens the sixth tab
  • [Ctrl]+7: Opens the seventh tab
  • [Ctrl]+8: Opens the eigth tab
  • [Ctrl]+9: Opens the nineth tab
  • [Ctrl]+N: Opens a new window
  • [Ctrl]+T: Opens a new tab in the current window
  • [Ctrl]+W: Closes the active tab in the current window
  • [Ctrl]+[Tab] ([Ctrl]+[Page Down]): Selects the next tab within the current window
  • [Ctrl]+[Shift]+Tab ([Ctrl]+[Page Up]): Selects the previous tab within the current window
Page Shortcuts
  • Esc: Stops loading the current page
  • [Ctrl]+0 (zero): Restore normal text size
  • [Ctrl]+[+] (plus sign): Increases the font size
  • [Ctrl]+[-] (minus sign): Decreases the font size
  • [End]: Moves to the bottom of a page
  • [Home]: Moves to the top of a page
  • [Ctrl]+F: Find
  • [Ctrl]+G (or [F3]): Find again
  • [Shift]+[F3]: Find previous
  • [F5]: Refresh
  • [Ctrl]+[F5] ([Ctrl]+[Shift]+R): Refresh (overrides page cache)
  • [Ctrl]+A: Selects all object on the page
  • [Ctrl]+B: Opens/closes the Bookmarks pane
  • [Ctrl]+H: Opens/closes the History pane
  • [Ctrl]+I: Opens/closes the Bookmarks pane
  • [Ctrl]+J: Opens/closes the Downloads dialog box
  • [F6]: Selects the current Location bar text Move or moves to the next frame
  • [Shift]+[F6]: Moves to the previous frame
Miscellaneous Shortcuts
  • [Alt]+[Enter]: Opens a URL in a new tab
  • [Ctrl]+[Enter]: Adds "www." to the beginning and ".com" to the end of a domain name in the Location bar
  • [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Enter]: Adds "www." to the beginning and ".org" to the end of a domain name in the Location bar
  • [Shift]+[Enter]: Adds "www." to the beginning and ".net" to the end of a domain name in the Location bar
  • [Ctrl]+D: Adds a bookmark
  • [Ctrl]+E (or [Ctrl]+K): Activates Web Search bar
  • [Ctrl]+Down Arrow: Selects the next search engine
  • [Ctrl]+Up Arrow: Selects the previous search engine
  • [Ctrl]+L: Select the current Location bar text
  • [Ctrl]+U: View source code for the current page
  • [F7]: Toggle on/off Caret Browsing
  • [F11]: Toggle full-screen/normal view
Common Shortcuts
  • [Ctrl]+C: Copy
  • [Ctrl]+O: Open a file
  • [Ctrl]+P: Print
  • [Ctrl]+R: Refresh
  • [Ctrl]+S: Save As
  • [Ctrl]+V: Paste
  • [Ctrl]+Y: Redo
  • [Ctrl]+X: Cut
  • [Ctrl]+Z: Undo
  • [F1]: Opens Help
Other keyboard shortcuts:

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